SWIFT Payment Integration Simplified

Afrikconsult is here to guide you on making the right decision train your staff and help you implement Swift solutions which will allow you to transact securely and reliably, comply with regulation, improve operational efficiency and innovate at scale to serve your customers better. Installing and maintaining Swift products requires specific skills which may not be available within your organisation. In such cases, our Implementation Services team can provide onsite installation and training services for the below solutions.

Swift Go

Swift Go is an interbank service dedicated to low-value, cross-border transactions. With Swift Go, financial institutions can enable their small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and retail customers to exchange predicable, fast, highly secure, and competitively priced, low-value, cross border payments anywhere in the world, directly from their bank accounts. The service is available for both GPI and non-GPI customers and uses the high-speed rails of Swift GPI, which have transformed the speed and predictability of high-value, cross-border payments, to strengthen the capabilities of banks to serve their customers in the high-growth, small business, and consumer segments

  • interbank
  • predicable
  • fast
  • highly secure
  • competitively

Swift GPI

Swift GPI ensures that international payments meet the industry’s needs for speed, traceability and transparency. It allows banks to provide their customers with a transformed payments experience, enabled through easy to use and simple to set up digital tools.

  • industry’s needs
  • Speed
  • traceability
  • transparency

Swift Payment Pre-validation

Payment Pre-validation is a suite of services that enables banks (the Payment Pre-validation consumers) to verify if the data in their payment instructions is correct – and matches the specific requirements at the destination country – before their transactions are initiated. Payment Pre-validation consumers can use the services to: determine if their cross-border payment information results in a

  • successful fund transfer with the financial institutions and complies with specific requirements at the destination country
  • obtain suggestions about how to improve the quality of the payment data and smooth the payment execution
  • determine if their cross-border payment information complies with the Swift Go Rulebook and get predictability information such as routing options and payment’s time to creditor.

Swift Case Management

Is aiming at reducing friction in cross-border payments and comprise of two services notably: The Stop and Recall (SRP) service, which aims at stopping a payment instruction before it is

  • credited on the creditor's account at any point in the payment chain, in case of anomalies or suspicious transactions.
  • The Case Resolution (CASE) service, which aims at quickly addressing payment exceptions handling due to missing/incorrect information.

Financial Crime Compliance

In today’s world of evolving Financial Crime Compliance expectations, knowing exactly who you are doing business with has never been more important. At Afrikconsult, we advise you on the best solution available in the market, which will deliver a more complete view of your consumer and business risk that enables you to quickly focus resources on relevant financial crime risk. Therefore, Improve investigation precision and achieve more effective, end-to-end global financial crime compliance.

Contact Us

Please contact me directly at example@gmail.com or through this form.